Mana yg benar “Tujuh Tahun atau Seven Years” atau “Tiga Tahun” pada ayat 2 Samuel 24:13 dengan I Tawarikh 21:12?
I Tawarikh 21:12 (Alkitab LAI)
21:12 tiga tahun kelaparan atau tiga bulan lamanya melarikan diri dari hadapan lawanmu, sedang pedang musuhmu menyusul engkau, atau tiga hari pedang TUHAN, yakni penyakit sampar, ada di negeri ini, dan malaikat TUHAN mendatangkan kemusnahan di seluruh daerah orang Israel. Maka sekarang, timbanglah jawab apa yang harus kusampaikan kepada Yang mengutus aku."
I Tawarikh 21:12 (KJV)
21:12 Either three years' famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee; or else three days the sword of the LORD, even the pestilence, in the land, and the angel of the LORD destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel. Now therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring again to him that sent me.
2 Sam 24:13 Kemudian datanglah Gad kepada Daud, memberitahukan kepadanya dengan berkata kepadanya: "Akan datangkah menimpa engkau tiga tahun kelaparan di negerimu? Atau maukah engkau melarikan diri tiga bulan lamanya dari hadapan lawanmu, sedang mereka itu mengejar engkau? Atau, akan adakah tiga hari penyakit sampar di negerimu? Maka sekarang, pikirkanlah dan timbanglah, jawab apa yang harus kusampaikan kepada Yang mengutus aku." (Alkitab terbitan LAI-TB)
2 Samuel 24:13 menurut Alkitab Indonesia (Indonesian Literal Translation):
Dan Gad datang kepada Daud, dan memberitahukannya, dan berkata kepadanya, “Akan datang tujuh tahun kelaparan kepadamu di negerimu. Atau engkau akan melarikan diri dari hadapan musuh-musuhmu selama tiga bulan, dan mereka itu mengejarmu. Atau tiga hari tulah akan melanda negerimu. Sekarang pertimbangkanlah, dan lihatlah apa yang harus aku kembalikan kepada Dia yang mengirimkan perkataan kepadaku.””
2 Samuel 24:13 (KJV)
So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue thee? or that there be three days' pestilence in thy land? now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.
Bobby, jika kita membandingkan Alkitab LAI dengan Alkitab KJV, NIV, dll. Untuk ayat I Tawarikh 21:12, kata “tiga tahun” disemua terjemahan Alkitab Indonesia dan Inggris sama semua, menulis “tiga tahun”
Yang berbeda adalah ketika di ayat 2 Samuel 24:13, dalam Alkitab King James Version (KJV), NASB (New American Standard Bible), NKJV (New King James Version), ASV (American Standard Version), CEV (Contemporary English Version) 1995, ERV, American KJV, DRB, Darby Bible Translation, Webster Bible Translation, World English Bible, Young's Literal Translation, GOD'S WORLD TRANSLATION, Jewish Publication Society Tanakh, Alkitab LAI Terjemahan Lama, Naskah asli MT (Naskah Asli Bhs Ibrani: Masoretik Teks), Alkitab Indonesia ILT (Indonesian Literal Translation), Alkitab Indonesia (IMTV=Indonesian Majority Text Version), semuanya menulis “Tujuh tahun” berbeda dengan Alkitab NIV, dll menulis “Tiga tahun”. Mana yang benar?
Jadi KJV, NKJV, ASV, NASB, dll dan Alkitab ILT (Indonesian Literal Translation), Alkitab Indonesia IMTV, Alkitab LAI BIS menulis “seven years” atau “tujuh tahun”
Alkitab LAI terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari (BIS) tahun 1985 menulis:
2 Samuel 24:13 Gad datang menghadap dan memberitahukan kepadanya perintah TUHAN itu, katanya, "Mana yang Baginda pilih: Negeri ini ditimpa bencana kelaparan selama tiga *Beberapa terjemahan kuno: tiga; Ibrani: tujuh.* tahun, atau Baginda lari dikejar-kejar musuh selama tiga bulan, atau negeri ini diserang wabah penyakit selama tiga hari? Putuskanlah sekarang apa yang harus kusampaikan kepada TUHAN."
Disini LAI bijaksana dengan memberitahu bahwa dalam naskah Ibrani Majority Text (Kebanyakan Teks/naskah salinan/naskah Byzantine/Received Text) menulis “Tujuh Tahun”, meski LAI berdasarkan naskah salinan lain (Alexandrian/Minority/WH Text) menulis “tiga tahun” Jadi bagaimana?
Mengacu pada Text Byzantine/Majority/Received Text/Masoretic Text/MT yang diterima luas oleh semua kalangan Bapa Gereja zaman Reformasi dan semua kalangan Fundamentalis serta yg mengimani Alkitab tanpa salah sedikitpun dan dipelihara TUHAN, maka yang benar untuk ayat 2 Samuel 24:13 adalah “Tujuh tahun” sedangkan I Tawarikh 21:12 “Tiga tahun”. Apa yg tertulis dalam naskah Teks Kebanyakan yg diterima/teks yg dipelihara Allah, maka tetap seperti yg tertulis.
Lalu bagaimana, kan jadi berbeda? Satu menulis 7 tahun, ayat lain menulis 3 tahun? Mari kita bahas beberapa kemungkinan jawaban untuk hal ini.
Di situs di bawah ini mencoba memberi penjelasan itu:
2 Samuel 24:13 and 1 Chronicles 21:12 "Could You Repeat The Choices?"
There are two accounts in the Old Testament of the same story of David taking a census of the Israelites, one in 2 Samuel 24 and the other in 1 Chronicles 21. God is displeased with David's actions and offers him three choices as punishment. There is an interesting "problem" that arises when studying these passages, for the three choices of punishment do not match in each account in the KJV:
2 Samuel 24:13 (KJV) "So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue thee? or that there be three days' pestilence in thy land? now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me."
1 Chronicles 21:12 (KJV) "Either three years' famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee; or else three days the sword of the LORD, even the pestilence, in the land, and the angel of the LORD destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel. Now therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring again to him that sent me."
What makes this "contradiction" interesting is that it is not a translational issue, but perhaps a copyist issue - the "contradiction" appears in the Hebrew that the KJV was translated from as well. However, the "contradiction" does not appear in the LXX (the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament). This article is not an attempt to prove one or the other as correct, but to explain what's going on here.
Here's how the comparison looks in 3 popular versions, including the KJV:
2 Samuel 24:13
1 Chronicles 21:12
As you can see, the NIV does not contain the "contradiction", as each verse has "three". However, a footnote in the NIV shows us that this is because the translators of the NIV have chosen in this instance to follow the LXX instead of the available Hebrew manuscripts so as to eliminate the "contradiction", noting that the LXX has "three" while the Hebrew has "seven". I'm not sure whether they were correct or not, but as the KJV translators said, "doth not a margin do well to admonish the Reader to seek further, and not to conclude or dogmatize upon this or that peremptorily?"
Although we cannot be 100% certain, "three years" in 2 Samuel 24:13 may be correct for the following combination of reasons:
- it matches the 1 Chronicles 21:12 account.
- it fits the pattern of choices better: 3 years, 3 months, 3 days.
- it matches the LXX, which is older than the available Hebrew.
- the Hebrew letter Zayin, used for "seven", may have been mistaken for the Hebrew letter Giymel, used for "three", by a copyist somewhere down the line.
Of course, the last reason could be easily reversed (ie. perhaps Giymel is mistaken for Zayin). However, because of the first three reasons given, translating it "three" has more support.
Why then does the LXX have "three" while the Hebrew has "seven"? A few reasons are possible, although we can't know for sure because we don't have the Hebrew manuscripts used to produce the LXX:
- perhaps because the Hebrew originally had "three", which was later unintentionally changed (after the LXX was produced) because of the Giymel/Zayin similarities.
- perhaps the Hebrew originally had "seven", but the LXX translators thought they would "correct" the "contradiction".
- perhaps the LXX translators accidentally mistook the Zayin as a Giymel, thus translating "seven" as "three".
So, the issue is somewhat unresolved, due to our lack of the originals for comparison. Although there is a possibility that "seven" is the correct number, it seems the original most likely had "three".
A thought-provoking side note...
A simple comparison of these two verses provides a good example of the same event and message given by someone, but by using different words. If one was to get really sticky over the issue of "inerrancy", one would have to examine which words of the message were really the ones spoken by Gad:
Differences in what was spoken by Gad
2 Samuel 24:13 (KJV)
1 Chronicles 21:12 (KJV)
"famine come unto thee in thy land?"
"before thine enemies"
"destroyed before thy foes"
"while they pursue thee"
"while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee"
"three days' pestilence"
"three days the sword of the LORD, even the pestilence"
[not preset]
"and the angel of the LORD destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel"
"now advise, and see"
"Now therefore advise thyself"
"what answer I shall return"
"what word I shall bring again"
Choices worded as questions
Choices worded as a list (not questions)
In other words, for 100% accuracy and inerrancy, did Gad say "they" or "sword of thine enemies"? Did he mention "destroy" in the second choice or not? Did he say "pestilence" or "sword of the LORD, even the pestilence"? Did he mention the "angel of the LORD destroying" in the third choice or not? Where the choices given as questions or not?
Did Gad say "pursue" or "overtake"? There is a big difference in meaning between those two words - one can be overtaken without being pursued, and one can be pursued without being overtaken.
If the KJV-only position is about the exact "words" of God, which "words" were really spoken by Gad in this event? I guess I'm pointing this out to make you think: what really is "inerrancy"? I realize this is "straining at (out?) a gnat", but it at least shows that differing words can be used and still be considered "true". Why can the KJV and Hebrew use differing words to tell of an event but another version is considered "in error" when it does the same thing?
2 Samuel 24:13 tetap “Tujuh Tahun” dan memang berbeda dengan I Tawarikh 21:12 tertulis ”Tiga Tahun”.
Saya dan semua orang Kristen yg memegang Naskah MT (Masoretik Teks untuk PL, bahasa Ibrani) dan TR (Textus Receptus untuk PB, bahasa Yunani) sebagai Naskah yg dipelihara Allah tanpa salah, maka mengacu yg benar tetap ”Tujuh tahun” pada ayat 2 Samuel 24:13 sesuai dengan Naskah asli MT (Naskah Asli Bhs Ibrani: Masoretik Teks), Alkitab King James Version (KJV), NASB (New American Standard Bible), NKJV (New King James Version), ASV (American Standard Version), CEV (Contemporary English Version) 1995, ERV, American KJV, DRB, Darby Bible Translation, Webster Bible Translation, World English Bible, Young's Literal Translation, GOD'S WORLD TRANSLATION, Jewish Publication Society Tanakh, Alkitab LAI Terjemahan Lama (LAI-TL), Alkitab Indonesia ILT (Indonesian Literal Translation), Alkitab Indonesia (IMTV=Indonesian Majority Text Version), dan ”tiga tahun” pada 1 Tawarikh 21:12.
Ada yang menjawab seperti ini:
The Hebrew text of 2 Samuel 24:13 reads “seven years of famine,” but the Greek translation of this text (the Septuagint) and the parallel text in 1 Chronicles 21:12 reads “three years of famine.” I am inclined to accept the “three year” option, especially since there seems to be some emphasis on the number three here: three years of famine; three months of defeat at the hand of their enemies; three days of pestilence at the hand of God.
Naskah asli Ibrani untuk ayat 2 Samuel 24:13 menulis, ”Tujuh tahun kelaparan” tetapi terjemahan Yunani dari Teks PL Ibrani (disebut Septuaginta) dan paralel dengan teks 1 Tawarikh 21:12 menulis ”Tiga tahun kelaparan.” Saya memutuskan untuk menerima pilihan ”Tiga Tahun,” khusunya sejak kelihatan disana ada beberapa penekanan angka pada angka tiga di sini: tiga tahun kelaparan, tiga bulan melarikan diri dari musuh, tiga hari penyakit sampar dari Tuhan.
Untuk jawaban ini, perlu kita diketahui Septuaginta adalah teks terjemahan dari Naskah asli Ibrani PL, Jadi Septuaginta bukanlah teks superior dari Naskah Ibrani. Jadi kita tetap berpedoman pada Naskah asli Ibrani PL (Masoretik Teks), yang menulis “Tujuh tahun kelaparan”
Jadi, kami dan banyak sarjana Alkitab memilih jawaban di bawah ini:
Answering The Atheist
October 7, 2001 / Volume 1, Issue 31
How many years of famine were threatened? In 2 Samuel 24:13, we read, "So God came to David and told him, and said unto him, shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or will thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue thee?..." However, 1 Chronicles 21:11 reads, "So God came to David, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, choose thee, either three years of famine or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee..."
Is there a contradiction?
Certainly, with a hurried look, 2 Samuel 24:13 and 1 Chronicles 21:11 seem to be contradictory. However, I would suggest that the questioner slow down and read the Scriptures more carefully (and in context), for these texts are in full agreement.
David's choices of punishment for his sin before the Lord were:
- 1 - three years of famine;
- 2 - three months to be destroyed before his enemies;
- 3 - three days of pestilence in the land.
In the 1 Chronicles 21 account, these three choices are given to David. Notice, that the latter two choices are parallel in the 2 Samuel 24 account, but the first choice is different, both in the number of years mentioned and in the way the punishment is worded. The Lord there does not invite David to chose 3 years of famine, but rather asks, "...shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land?"
Dalam I Taw 21:11, ada tiga pilihan diberikan kepada Daud. Perlu diperhatikan, bahwa 2 pilihan terakhir sama dengan ayat 2 Samuel 24, namun pilihan pertama berbeda, baik dalam jumlah tahun yang disebutkan dan juga cara hukuman di tulis. Tuhan disini tidak mengundang Daud untuk memilih 3 tahun kelaparan, namun malah bertanya, “…akan datang tujuh tahun kelaparan kepadamu di negerimu?”
In 2 Samuel 21:1, it is written, "...there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David enquired of the LORD. And the LORD answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites." Three years of famine had already occurred. Add to this the current year (the time which passed from 2 Samuel 21:1 to 2 Samuel 24:13), and then the three years of famine as recorded in 1 Chronicles 21:11, and you have seven years of famine.
Dalam 2 Samuel 21:1, tertulis, “Semasa Daud memerintah, terjadilah bala kelaparan hebat yang berlangsung selama tiga tahun penuh. Lalu Daud meminta petunjuk TUHAN mengenai hal itu, dan TUHAN berkata, "Bala kelaparan itu ialah karena kesalahan Saul dan keluarganya, mereka telah membunuh orang-orang Gibeon."
Tiga tahun kelaparan sudah terjadi. Tambahkan tahun berjalan (waktu dari 2 Samuel 21:1 sampai 2 Samuel 24:13), dan kemudian tiga tahun kelaparan yang tercatat di I Tawarikh 21:11, dan akan kita dapatkan tujuh tahun kelaparan.
There is no contradiction.
Jadi, Tidak ada kontradiksi.
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