Carl F. H. Henry

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Carl F. H. Henry

Carl F. H. Henry (1913-2003) was a Christian theologian and the first Dean of Fuller Theological Seminary in 1947. He was also the founder of the magazine Christianity Today in 1956, and is regarded by many as the father of neo-evangelicalism. Receiving both bachelors and masters degrees from Wheaton College, he then earned a Doctor of Theology degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and finally a PhD from Boston University in 1949.

In The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism (1947), Carl Henry deals with Fundamentalism as an "object of surgery" and suggests a direction where new-evangelicalism should go.

In 1978 he published The Christian Mindset In a Secular Society and signed the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, which affirmed the inerrancy of the Bible.

His magnum opus is his six-volume God, Revelation, and Authority (completed in 1983), which has perhaps the fullest exposition of the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.

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