John H. Walton

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John H. Walton

John H. Walton is a Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and former professor of Old Testament at Moody Bible Institute for 20 years. He recieved a Masters in Old Testament Studies from Wheaton and a PhD in Hebrew and Cognitive Studies from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

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Old Testament Studies

Walton is an Old Testament Scholar. His major emphasis has been Israelite interactions with Ancient Near East Backgrounds and the Development of Hebrew Culture. He has also written books for children realting to Christian Doctrine and works with youth at his church.

Selected publications

  • The Lost World of Genesis 1. (IVP, 2009)
  • Jonah. Expositor's Bible Commentary. (Zondervan, 2008)
  • Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament. (Baker, 2006)
  • Essential Bible Companion. (Zondervan, 2006)
  • Old Testament Today. (Zondervan, 2004)
  • Genesis. NIV Application Commentary. (Zondervan, 2001)
  • IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament. (IVP, 2000). Co-authored with Victor Matthews and Mark Chavalas
  • Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament". (Zondervan, 1978)

External links

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