Carl Trueman

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Carl R. Trueman

Carl R. Trueman is a Christian theologian and departmental chair of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He earned his MA in Classics from the University of Cambridge (1988) and a Ph.D. in Church History from the University of Aberdeen (1991). Prior to teaching at Westminster, Trueman was Lecturer in Theology at the University of Nottingham from 1993-1998 and Senior Lecturer in Church History at the University of Aberdeen from 1998-2001.

Tunas Isai.gif

Selected works

  • Histories and Fallacies: Problems Faced in the Writing of History. Crossway, 2009.
  • Minority Report: Unpopular thoughts on Everything from Ancient Christianity to Zen Calvinism. Mentor, 2007.
  • John Owen: Reformed Catholic, Renaissance Man. Great Theologians Series. Ashgate, 2007.
  • The Wages Of Spin: Critical Writings on Historical and Contemporary Evangelicalism. Mentor, 2005.
  • Reformation: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Bryntirion Press, 2003.
  • The Claims of Truth: John Owen’s Trinitarian Theology. Paternoster, 1998; 2002.
  • Luther's Legacy: Salvation and English Reformers, 1525-1556. Oxford, 1994.

External links

Online works

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