George Lindbeck

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Revisi per 17:47, 14 Agustus 2007

George Lindbeck (b. 1923) is a Lutheran theologian and known today as an advocate of postliberalism. However, "for most of his career he was known primarily as a medievalist and, above all, as a theologian at the forefront of ecumenical dialogue." [1] Lindbeck has a BA from Gustavus (1943) and a BD and PhD from Yale University (1946; 1955). While still finishing his doctoral degree, Lindbeck was appointed to the Yale faculty in 1952 where he remained until his retirement in 1993. He is well known for his Cultural-Linguistic approach to doctrine which he argues in his book, The Nature of Doctrine (1984). Hans Frei, Paul Holmer and David Kelsey have had a major influence on his thought.

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Select publications

  • The Future of Roman Catholic Theology (SPCK, 1970)
  • Infallibility (Marquette University Press, 1972)
  • The Nature of Doctrine: Religions and Theology in a Postliberal Age (WJK, 1984)
  • The Church in a Postliberal Age, ed. James Buckley (Eerdmans, 2003)



See also

External links

Online writings

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