James Montgomery Boice

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James Montgomery Boice

James Montgomery Boice (July 7, 1938 - June 15, 2000) was a Reformed theologian and pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia from 1968 until his death. He was heard on The Bible Study Hour radio broadcast and was a well known author and speaker in evangelical and Reformed circles. He also served as Chairman of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy for over ten years and was a founding member of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.

Boice recevied a diploma from The Stony Brook School (1956), an A.B. from Harvard University (1960), a B.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary (1963), a D.Theol. from the University of Basel in Switzerland (1966), and a Doctor of Divinity from the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church (1982).


Boice was a prolific author, having published over 50 different works, including a collection of hymns. Some of his popular books include:

Expositional commentaries

Boice also published many volumes of commentary on books of the Bible, which each grew out of his preaching:

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