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Roger E. Olson (b. 1952) is an evangelical Arminian and professor of theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University. He has been on the faculty since 1999 and specializes in historical theology. Olson's theological perspective is considered "postconservative", similar to the thought of Stanley Grenz, yet defined differently than the postconservativism of other scholars such as Kevin Vanhoozer. His recent work entitled Arminian Theology: Myths And Realities defends his Arminianism against charges of Semi-Pelagianism while admitting it is synergistic in its view of salvation.
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- God in Dispute: "Conversations" among Great Christian Thinkers. Baker Academic, 2009.
- Questions to All Your Answers: The Journey from Folk Religion to Examined Faith. Zondervan, 2008.
- How to Be Evangelical without Being Conservative. Zondervan, 2008.
- Reformed and Always Reforming: The Postconservative Approach to Evangelical Theology. Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology. Baker Academic, 2007.
- Arminian Theology: Myths And Realities. IVP, 2006.
- w/ Adam C. English, Pocket History of Theology. IVP, 2005.
- Westminster Handbook to Evangelical Theology. Westminster John Knox, 2004
- w/ Christopher Hall, The Trinity. Guides to Theology. Eerdmans, 2002.
- The Mosaic of Christian Belief: Twenty Centuries of Unity & Diversity. IVP, 2002.
- The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform. IVP, 1999. - Received the Gold Medallion award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association in 1999.
- w/ Stanley Grenz, Who Needs Theology?: An Invitation to the Study of God. IVP, 1996.
- w/ Stanley Grenz 20th Century Theology: God & the World in a Transitional Age. IVP, 1992.
External links
Online writings