Gregory K. Beale

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Gregory Beale

Gregory K. Beale is Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament, coordinator of the MA program in Biblical Exegesis, at Wheaton College Graduate School in Wheaton, IL and was a former president of the Evangelical Theological Society (2004). He earned BA and MA degrees at Southern Methodist University, a ThM at Dallas Theological Seminary (1976), and his PhD at the University of Cambridge (1981). Prior to joining the faculty of Wheaton, Beale taught at Grove City College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also served on the ESV and NLT (second edition) Bible translation teams.

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Beale believes that all doctrine, and thus, the entire Bible, should be read through the lens of eschatology. Furthermore, the New Testament should be read with a realization that it's central focus is on new creation. This places the life, death and resurrection of Jesus through the Spirit as the inauguration of the new creation and the end times. Therefore, Beale believes that new creation is in mind whenever the resurrection of Jesus is mentioned.

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Selected publications

  • We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry. IVP Academic, 2008.
  • The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism : Responding to New Challenges to Biblical Authority. Crossway, 2008.
  • The Temple and the Church’s Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God. New Studies in Biblical Theology 17. IVP,2004.
  • John's Use of the Old Testament in Revelation. JSNT Supplement Series, 166. Sheffield Press, 1999.
  • "The Eschatological Conception of New Testament Theology". Eschatology in Bible & Theology: Evangelical Essays at the Dawn of the New Millenium; ed. by Kent E. Brower and Mark W. Elliott. IVP, 1997
  • The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and in the Revelation of St. John. University Press of America, 1984.


  • 1-2 Thessalonians. InterVarsity Press New Testament Commentary Series. IVP, 2003.
  • The Book of Revelation. New International Greek Testament Commentary Series. Eerdmans, 1998.

Edited works

  • ed. with D.A. Carson, Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Baker Academic, 2007.
  • Right Doctrine From the Wrong Texts? Essays on the Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. Baker, 1994.

See also

External links

Online writings

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