Ambrose of Milan

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Revisi per 14:33, 8 Juni 2009; Jim Ellis (Bicara)
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Ambrose (339-397) "bishop of Milan, biblical critic, and initiator of ideas that provided a model for medieval conceptions of church–state relations. His literary works have been acclaimed as masterpieces of Latin eloquence, and his musical accomplishments are remembered in his hymns. Ambrose is also remembered as the teacher who converted and baptized St. Augustine of Hippo, the great Christian theologian, and as a model bishop who viewed the church as rising above the ruins of the Roman Empire."[1]

While he was serving as the governor of Milan, Ambrose was drafted into ecclesiastical service. In his role as bishop of Milan he was a biblical and social critic, fighter of heresy, and political theorist. Both before and after assuming the bishopric, Ambrose was strongly influenced by the Neoplatonic tradition, and he carried those ideas into his theology.

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  1. Saint Ambrose. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 08, 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:

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