Indonexus:Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

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Intervarsity Christian Fellowship


Organization Explanantion

1 Name of Oranization : Persekutuan Kristen Antar Universitas (Intervarsity Christian Fellowship)
2 Address : Kompleks Mitra, Jalan Pintu Air
3 Since : 1971
4 Vision : Implement the "Great Command" (Matthew 28)
5 Type of Ministry : Discipleship, bible movement, prayer movement, evangelism movement, inter-denomination movement
6 People served : University student
a. Age : 15 - 30
b. Personal background : Students, College, Alumni, and Medic
7 Region of Ministry : Indonesia
8 Issues/Problems : Plenty of schools still haven't been
: Reach less number of cell groups in
: Every schools lacking of cell group
: Leaders lack of staffs strategic
: Adjustment to face the dynamic situation
9 Action have been taken : Manage the fellowship for students, college, alumni & medic bible study,
: seminars & discussion, training, workshop, camp & retreat
10Number of staff : -
11Contact person :
a. Name : Ir. Daniel Adipranata M.Div
b. Address : Kompleks Mitra, Jalan Pintu Air
c. Phone No & Mobile : 081 5183 6388
d. E-mail :
12Website :
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