Tremper Longman III is an Old Testament scholar and Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA. Prior to joining Westmont in 1998, Longman taught for eighteen years at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He received his MDiv from Westminster and a PhD from Yale University.
Longman is the author of Commentaries on The Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes in the NICOT. He wrote the commentary on Daniel in the NIVAC series, Jeremiah and Lamentations in the NIBC, Proverbs in the Baker OT Wisdom series, and he has his own string of "How to read" books on Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Proverbs. He also wrote "God is a Warrior" with Daniel Reid. He has compiled an annotated bibliography of OT commentaries which is reworked and republished every couple of years.
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